Suite Potential: Your Guide to Laneway and Garden Suites in the City of Toronto

Canada is growing and so too is the city of Toronto! As the population continues to grow, the City of Toronto is looking at ways to encourage the creation of “missing middle” housing options such as duplexes, triplexes, townhomes and small apartment buildings. Now, through the Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods (EHON) program, those possibilities also include laneway houses and garden suites.

What are Laneway Houses and Garden Suites? Approved by Toronto City Council in the summer of 2018, laneway houses are self-contained residential units built on the same lot as a detached, semi-detached, townhouse or other low-rise dwelling. Laneway houses are smaller than the original home and are located in the backyard alongside a public laneway.

They are completely detached, with their own kitchen, water and sewer service — but they cannot be severed

from the main property. See Toronto’s laneway housing bylaws for more details.

For the complete ‘Guide to Laneway and Garden Suites in the City of Toronto’ by @outlinefinancial:


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